Greetings, Brothers!
My name is LeMarr T. Ketchens, and I am your District Information Technology Chair for the Fiscal Year 2018-19. I was initiated into this great organization in the Spring – 1987, on the campus of Western Illinois University (Macomb, IL) – Epsilon Beta Chapter. There were six of us to start and six of us to complete – I am the “4”. Enough about me. Below are a few things I’d like for you and your chapters to consider.
Chapters: Every chapter has been issued a chapter email address via the IHQ. It will look like The chapter KRS must contact IHQ to gain access to this email account if you haven’t done so already or the District KRS. If you don’t have access to your chapter email address, please get it up and running because that seems to be the method of communication from the IHQ still. Please have your current elected officers to fill out the Current Chapter Officers Form (Click Here)
Committee Chairs: Going forward, I “EXPECT” every chair, whether you’re functioning regularly or not to submit your committee introduction letter. This letter will be posted on the District Website for each Chair.
Websites: Chapters with websites “need” to make sure that the data on the websites is up to date and/or current. It would be a great idea to get the links to me for posting to the District Website. The Tenth District has a list serve available for all FINANCIAL members of the Tenth District. Please contact me for details or (Click Here to Enter Info).
Email: Brothers, you should attempt to periodically check your email accounts. It makes no sense to give your email address to someone (or the District) if you don’t plan to check it. All of the brothers need to have a functioning email address. Yahoo! ( or Google ( are free accounts that I would recommend.
Lastly, there is an Open Source Office Suite called Libre Office (Click Here to Download). This Office Suite is free and will all you to do very similar action as Microsoft Office and works on Windows, Mac, and Linux Platforms. Most importantly, it allows any document to be saved as an Adobe .pdf file. Use this to save your documents for archival.
Brother LeMarr T. Ketchens Tenth District IT Chair