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79th Tenth District Convention Public Meeting Invite & Social Events – 4/21-4/23/2016

Dear Divine Nine,

The Tenth District of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. will welcome over 700 Omega men from the states of Michigan, Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin and Minnesota to the region during the 79th Tenth District Convention. It will be hosted by Alpha Kappa Kappa Chapter of Gary, Indiana at the Radisson Star Plaza Hotel in Merrillville, Indiana Thursday, April 21, 2016 to Sunday, April 24, 2016. Our chapter is responsible for conducting the Opening Public Ceremony on Thursday, April 21, 2016 at 6:30 pm. All of your national, state, county and local elected officials and other community leaders are invited to extend words of welcome. Our chapter would be honored to have you to participate in this event. If you are willing to do so, please contact me, Brother Dr. Vernon Smith at 219*887*2046, or our Tenth District Marshal, Brother Kevin Hester at 708*209*7862 or via email at to confirm.

Being cognizant of your busy schedule, we kindly thank you for your time and attention to this matter and we will eagerly await your response.

Respectfully yours,

Brother Dr. Vernon G. Smith Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. Past District Representative

Brother Kevin Hester Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. Tenth District Marshal

Friday, April 22, 2016‬ The Infamous AK2 Presents “Toga Party and Stepshow” ‪9pm Until ‬ DJ Woody Wood & DJ All Owt $5 with Toga, $10 without Ladies Free B4 ‪10pm‬ $100 to the Best Female Toga


Friday, April 22, 2016‬ “Take Me Back To The Old School: 80’s and 90’s Jam” ‪9pm until ‬ DJ Sean Legend and DJ Yella $5 if you are dressed in your throwback gear Ladies Free B4 ‪10pm‬


Saturday, April 23, 2016 “All Black with a Touch of Purple Affair” DJ Sean Legend and DJ Yella $10 All Night


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