Brothers of the Talented Tenth,
Over the past few months Omega chapters nation-wide have been working on voter registrations and education about the IMPORTANCE of the November mid-term elections. NOW IT IS TIME TO MOBILIZE and get people out to the polls. The Tenth District NAACP Committee is encouraging Omega participation as: Phone bank and street canvassers, Election day drivers and even Election site volunteers/staffers.
After an energizing weekend at the One Nation Working Together March in Washington D.C, the NAACP Branches all over the 10th District are FIRED UP & READY to go. They will be looking to see the brothers of Omega FRONT & CENTER, ready to work. If you’ve not already become a member of your local branch, the data for each state has been posted on the Tenth District Yahoogroups site, and attached here for your convenience. I’ve also attached a statement to be read from the NAACP regarding Getting out the Vote.
Brother Eugene Hawkins
Tenth Distict NAACP Committee