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State Representatives and Committee Chairs


Greetings Talented Tenth District,

Your 2013-2014 elected officers are in full Executive Board transition. With that said we are looking forward to building on the success the Tenth District has experienced in years past. I would like to thank the Immediate Past District Representative, Brother Arnold Simmons for his hard work in maintaining continuity and stability since October, 2012.

As your District Representative, I am working diligently and steadfastly to grow the Talented Tenth District.  A part of my duty is to recognize Tenth District Omega men who have the passion, dedication and qualifications to fill key leadership positions across the District, i.e. State Representatives, Committee Chairs and Committee Members.  Starting today, I welcome nominations for these positions. Brothers can nominate a hard working dedicated Brother or can nominate themselves.  ALL current seat holders must submit as well should they desire to keep their seat.  Feel free to provide a list of accomplishments while serving Omega in that position.

All nominees need to submit: a statement of reason, a short bio, and a list of accomplishments (professional and fraternal), via email to me, no later than May 24, 2013, 5:00 p.m.  Brothers, it is important to not wait until the last minute to express your interests.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.

In Friendship,

Brother Steven G. Watkins Tenth District Representative

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