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TDSAC – Call for Chapter Social Action Packets – Due 01/31/2012


To: Chapter Social Action Chairmen of the Talented Tenth District

From: Bro. Darryl L. Jones, 10th District Social Action Committee Chairman

RE: National Social Action Day and Call for Tenth District Chapter Social Action Packets – Reporting Fiscal Year 2010-2011 (revision date: Nov/2011) – Due January 31, 2012

Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc., National Social Day – Wednesday, November 16, 2011.

Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. will celebrate Achievement/Founders Week during the Week of November 13-19, 2011. During this time Omega chapters around the world will plan and participate in many service related events.  African-American males as a group have the worst grades, the lowest test scores and the highest drop-out rates of all students in the country.  Statistically there are more black men in prisons in the United States than in institutions of higher learning. To some degree all chapters have an on-going relationship with an African-American male group or organization. Each chapter in the fraternity is encouraged to schedule/host an event (i.e.: Career Day, Tutoring, Reading, Mentoring Session or Outing, etc.) that will positively impact an African American male group on Wednesday, November 16, 2011.

Call for Tenth District Chapter Social Action Packets – Report Fiscal Year 2010-11 (Template revision date: Nov/2011) The time has come for you to prepare and submit your chapter Social Action packets. The Tenth District Chapter Social Action Packet Template (revision date: Nov/2011) is located on the forms page of the Tenth District website and is available for download (Click Here).Please read all of the information carefully because there have been some changes implemented by the International Social Action Committee.  Furthermore please understand that the criteria are non-negotiable. Remember to include the number of financial Brothers in the chapter as it relates to the chapter’s size classification and ratings amongst other chapters within that same size classification.

The completed chapter social action packets are due to each of the committee members, including myself, by January 31, 2012. The packets must be received via U.S.P.S. mail by the due date, not postmarked. If you wish to overnight your packet, then you should select the option of leaving the packet without a signature. Please note that emailed packets will not be accepted.

The committee members, excluding myself, will score the qualified packets.  After receiving the scores from the committee members I will average the scores for each chapter and rank those averages within each size classification.  The chapter with the highest average within each chapter size classification will be the winner.  If you have any questions or concerns please contact any member of the Tenth District Social Action Committee prior to the due date.

Fraternally, Brother Darryl L. Jones Tenth District Social Action Chair

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