Greeting Brothers,
In 2000, Alpha Chi Chapter had the honor of hosting the Brothers of the Talented Tenth District. This year as we celebrate the 75th Diamond Anniversary of the Tenth District, the brothers of Alpha Chi Chapter are busy preparing for your arrival. The Convention will again be held at the Radisson Hotel at Star Plaza located in Merrillville, Indiana. The dates of the Convention are Thursday, April 19, thru Sunday, April 22, 2012. The room rate is $99 per night. Our Group Rate will be available two days prior to the Convention and two days after the Convention. The cut off date for the guaranteed room rate is April 5, 2012. The Radisson is a very high demand facility therefore; you are encouraged to make you reservations early. Our Group Code when making reservations is: TDF. Please see Registration Form for Hotel Reservation information (Click Here for Registration Online Form). Please make sure you get an ad for the 75th Tenth District Souvenir Book (Click Here to Download the Form).
It is our intent that the 75th Diamond Anniversary will be a very memorable one. We are asking that all chapters become a part of this historic celebration by purchasing a full page ad in the District Souvenir Book. Record your Chapter’s place in history! Please see attached ad copy. The deadline for ads is March 24, 2012.
Several brothers have inquired about golfing. If there is enough interest, there will be a Golf Outing. The Radisson Hotel has a partnership with River Point Country Club but we must have an estimate of the number of golfers in order that price can be negotiated and shuttle services arranged.
In addition to the Golf Outing on Thursday, the Afro-American Life Project will be conducted at Bernard C. Watson Academy for Boys which was named for a Charter Member of Alpha Chi Chapter. Our Social Action Project Activity will be conducted at the Food Bank of Northwest Indiana. Brothers are encouraged to arrive early on Thursday to participate in these mandated programs.
Again, we encourage you to make your hotel reservations early. Do not wait until the deadline of April 5, 2012.
If you have any questions in regards to registration, please contact:
Bro. Michael Angeletti, Registration Chairman Email:
Bro. Foster Stephens, District Marshall Email:
Fraternally, Bro. Foster B. Stephens Tenth District Marshall