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Tenth District Rep Letter #1

Greetings Brethren of the Talented Tenth District,

As we begin to take a deep breath from a long yet exciting and incident-free 73rd District Convention, we -as a District- also begin to embrace the opportunity to rise to the next level. “Rejuvenation of a Quality Fraternity through Quality Brotherhood”, is the vision for the Tenth District as we aspire to be the benchmark of excellence for all Districts of our beloved Fraternity. In this challenging season, the Men of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. must get back to basics to refocus and rededicate ourselves to our Four Cardinal Principles of Manhood, Scholarship, Perseverance, and Uplift. Success in these efforts not only rejuvenates the sterling character -as defined by our Founders: Cooper; Coleman; Love; and Just- in the current Brotherhood, it also prospers and sustains the future of our beloved organization.

This new administration is committed to achieve this with excellence by focusing on six (6) key areas:

  1. Servant Leadership: Not only are we to demonstrate leadership to they whom have elected us, we are to also be a valuable resource for their successful growth and development, especially for our undergraduates.

  2. Vision: We will utilize past experiences as a means to successfully plan for and respond to future situations and not react to them.

  3. Brotherly Collaboration: None of us is as good as all of us, therefore together we will make a difference.

  4. Integrity: Simply put, do what we have committed to do.

  5. Accountability: Be responsible for that which we’ve been entrusted, in failure as well as success.

  6. Friendship: We’ll go that “extra mile” to ensure the success of the team and others before our own success.

In closing and keeping with getting back to the basics, Genesis 1:26 clearly indicates that our creation in HIS image was established before we were called to do the work. Therefore if we are created in the image of Excellence, then our work should also reflect that Excellence. Conversely then as our work is performed with the utmost excellence then our image is of excellence. In summary, we look good because we are good and because we are good, we look good. Over the next year, at least, let’s have fun at doing just that. Long live the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. and all that she stands for.

Fraternally Bro. Johnny A. Lynch, LM #3953 32nd District Representative Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. 3-PI PSI-1988



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