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Violence Prevention – Letter


Greetings Brothers,

The men of the Talented Tenth District of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. are committed to prevent all forms of violence affecting the African-American community.  To address domestic, sexual, and community violence, Omega men need to take an important first step by saying that all forms of violence are wrong, and that we need to mentor and teach each other the importance of healthy, non-violent relationships.  Let us focus on strengthening families and eliminating violence and abuse through education, intervention, advocacy, and community collaboration.

October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month and this committee is asking for each chapter to participate in some form of a domestic violence prevention program that will promote nonviolent relationships, respect of our daughters; our sisters; our mothers; our aunts; our women! It is time for all of us to stand up and say no more.

This can be accomplished by collaborating with other chapters, organizations, churches, etc . . . . To assist with program formatting, please see the “DV Awareness Program” Power Point Presentations which includes guidelines for conducting a panel discussion, a Keynote Speaker address, as well as Domestic Violence Fast Facts?  This information is for your use if needed; it is not as the mandated format.  Please feel free to incorporate any creativity in conducting a Domestic Violence Awareness Program.

If you would like to join the Violence Prevention Committee or offer assistance, please contact me.

Brandon D. Lewis Talent Tenth District Violence Prevention Chair

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