Brothers of the Talented Tenth District,
On behalf of your 2015-2016 Scholarship Committee, please find the attached documents to aid you in applying for the Tenth District and Dr. Charles R. Drew Memorial Scholarship Commission (CRDMSC) scholarship/fellowship awards. The mission of the Tenth District Scholarship Committee is to promote academic excellence to Undergraduate and Graduate members through financial recognition, and to encourage scholarship efforts and distribution by all chapters within the Tenth District. We’re hopeful that you will find the recently updated online CRDMSC Scholarship Guidelines and Application (Click here for CRDMSC Application and Guidelines) helpful for efficiently completing your application.
Application materials must be postmarked before or no later than March 25, 2016. “NO EXCEPTIONS TO THE DEADLINE”. Please mail application material to the attention of Brother Marcel A. Clarke at N69W13333 Harding Drive, Menomonee Falls, WI 53051. Should questions arise please contact Brother Marcel A. Clarke, Scholarship Committee Chairman, at Thank You.
Fraternally Submitted,
Brother Marcel A. Clarke Tenth District Scholarship Chair