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AALH Awards – April 19, 2012


RE: 6th Annual ΩΨΦ – Tenth District Essay Contest Awards Program

Dear Brothers/Chapters of the Talented Tenth District,

You are cordially invited to attend the 6th Annual Tenth District Essay Contest Awards Program at Bro. Dr. Bernard C. Watson Academy for Boys, 2065 Mississippi St., Gary, IN. 46407, (219) 886-6569 on Thursday, April 19, 2012, at 12:15 p.m. Your timely presence will be greatly appreciated by the students, their parents, teachers, friends, and family.

The Tenth District, via the Tenth District AALH Committee, sponsored an essay contest that culminated on February 1, 2012 for fifth and sixth grade students who attend Bro. Dr. Bernard C. Watson Academy for Boys in Gary, IN. In honor of Bro. Dr. Bernard C. Watson and to properly recognize him as a noteworthy Black individual and Omega Man, we wanted to uphold our cardinal principles of SCHOLARSHIP and UPLIFT by providing the students with an opportunity to exercise their writing skills by competing in an essay contest. The students had a choice of one of the following topics for their essay:

  1. The reasons I want to be like Dr. Bernard C. Watson are…

  2. As a Black student, I’m glad that Dr. Bernard C. Watson was Black because…

  3. What obstacles do you face as a Black student in your academic development? How has Dr. Bernard C. Watson inspired you to overcome those obstacles?

Members of the AALH committee received, reviewed, ranked, and selected the top seven (7) winners from the 5th and 6th grade levels. These students will be recognized at our awards program. Please bring your business cards and experiences to share with the students and be prepared to offer words of encouragement, wisdom, and career advice to them as well.

School Location:

Dr. Bernard C. Watson Academy for Boys

2065 Mississippi St.

 Gary, IN. 46407

 (219) 886-6569

Awards Program:


Brief Remarks about Omega

Brief Remarks about Dr. Bernard C. Watson

Presentation of Essay Contest Winner Awards

Presentation of Gift


Closing Remarks/Photo Opportunity

REQUIRED ATTIRE FOR OMEGA MEN: suit, tie, dress shirt, dress shoes, and dress socks

Omega’s greatness depends on our ability to be BLACK, think from a BLACK perspective, do what’s best for BLACKs, and not continue to be afraid to admit that we are impenitently BLACK!

It is my hope that your future actions will prove true to our motto, “Friendship is essential to the soul”, instead of it being a joke. When politics trump friendship, there is no friendship! May you continue to receive the Lord’s grace, mercy, and forgiveness.


Bro. Melvin M. Slater, Sr., Chairman

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