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Social Action Packets – Due March 1, 2013

Social Action packets for the Social Action Chapter of the Year will be available by January 20, 2013.   You will be able to download them off of the Tenth District website. The information that you put into your chapter’s packet will represent your chapter’s participation from November 1, 2011 until October 31, 2012.  Your packets must be received MARCH 1, 2013.  Any packets received after the aforementioned date will not be accepted.  Information on where to send the packets will be available in the packets.  Any questions on filling out the packets may be addressed directly to Mike Ward @ 773*209*1314.

Many times we forget to take care of our own.  I am developing a slogan, “Social Action Starts At Home”.  That being said I am requesting that every graduate brother that attends the District Meeting bring at least one suit that they no longer wear, that is in good condition to donate to our undergrads.  Make sure these suits have been dry cleaned and are in good repair.  Make sure that you have them sized correctly for distribution purposes. Tuxedos are also welcome.  These suits will be issued out to the undergrads at the District Meeting.  Brothers many of you have suits as I, sitting in the closets collecting dust and many undergrads do not have or cannot afford a good suit.  Brothers lets step up our game and help the undergrads.  Any leftover suits will be donated to The Cara Program which is a job readiness program for individuals with extensive challenges and barriers to employment.

The brothers of Mu Xi are the hosts of the 2013 District Meeting.  They will be handling the Social Action Service Project for that meeting.  Because of the scheduling of our District’s Meeting agendas, the support for our District’s Social Action Projects have not received the participation that we as a District should be providing.  Brothers’ social action is a part of who we are.  So therefore I will have an online signup sheet for brothers who are attending Districts to sign up for this project.  The Fraternity will donate on the behalf of Mu Xi Chapter $500.00 to the Village of Bellwood, Boys and Girls Club and $500.00  to the Village of Bellwood, New Teen Zone Youth Center.  The Social Action service project will be “REAL MEN READ” at the McKinley Middle School, in Bellwood Illinois.  Further information on times and dates will be available in the near future.

As a fraternity we should remember that “Men are disturbed not by things that happen but by their opinion of things that happen”.  Thank you for your time and interest.


Michael Ward Talented Tenth District  Social Action Chair

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